ooh what have we here??....
#1 Is my left over button from my pregnancy dress (Pea in the pod hehe) that i shortened (no I wasn't ever pregnant I just found it at the op shop and thought it was super duper). I thought that the buttons were super duper duper that was pretty much the reason I bought the dress anyway so yeah I had a left over button that I had to use, so i thought oooh a matching ring would be fun (and I had just opened my super glue so I needed to use it before it dried out). So I found a lame ring that I didn't want anymore so I glued this on over the top of it and walaaaah super ring!
#2 Crocodile ring, I bought this crocodile from Iko Iko (my favourite shop in the world! its full off overpriced knick-knacks and stuff you never knew you wanted) yes thats the same shop I got your bunny eraser from Alice. The ring was old but I re-glued the crocodile on because it fell off so yeah not really something new but I thought I'd tell you about it anyway.
#3 Fimo Ring thats old too I just re-glued it because it broke My stuffs pretty shoddy isn't it hehe.
#4 My pierrot dolls I bought off trademe well yeah they turned into limb jewellery hehehe. I cut the leg out and trimmed it in cream leather and attached a loop to make a freaky necklace!

#5 My charm or cool stuff necklace, which has hanging on it:
*Purple and blue rocks from my gran
*Indian pendant from Trade Aid
*Glass pendant from Trade Aid
*Pyrite stone which I got from the Gypsy Fair It helps reinforce the bodys immunity system, increases mental abilities, links the left side of my brain to the right which facilitates communication between logic and emotions, analysis and creativity. so what a bargain for only 50c then!
*Azurite stone from the Gypsy Fair too It helps enhance physhic abilities, releases fear vibration, enhances inspiration, creativity, intuition, strengthens blood, hearing problems, neck ache, sore throats, can also be used in third eye chakra for powerful vision enhancer so in all another great bargain for $3.50 if I get a great big sack and fill it will all the healing jems I might turn into a superhuman!
I added the Gypsy Fair jems which I wound in metal from the arms and legs of my pierott doll.
#6 Lastly my hand pencil!!! probably only like my most favourite pencil in the world! when you write the hand waves at you which makes me laugh!
I had a very productive weekend I actually completed my sewing box! which resulted in my wardrobe having that I'm so full you can't move the clothes unless you want to push everything off the end thing going on. But I now have lots of new dresses and things to do photoshoots in yay!