Some time last week I went to a fundraiser for Haiti event, it was a movie One Peace at a Time. The movie was so amazing and just made me realise how ignorant I am to the rest of the world. I came out of the movie feeling like a changed person only to realise one week later that i had forgot about all the important life changes i was going to make. Whilst watching the movie I kept changing my mind I would see all the poor unfortunate orphans in developing countries and think I am going to help them, I will sponsor a child. Then the movie would go on to people giving water wells to villages in dry deserted landscapes where the women previously had to walk hours to get water and now they only had to walk a couple of minutes. The girls could now go to school and learn at the new schools they were creating. Which made me think I'll give money to that cause as it is helping a whole community not just one person. Then it went to how you can't stop the problem of overflowing orphanages by simply sponsoring the children they need more orphange workers. Which made me feel really self centered for wanting to have a fun life and just do what i wanted jobwise when there was so many more valuable jobs i could be doing. Overall it just made me feel really spoilt, greedy, and lucky. You have no choice where you are born, all you can do is make the most out of what you are given, we were gifted with these priveleged lives why would we not sacrifice a small part of our income or time to help those less fortunate?
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