boots boots boots da na na na na na
boots boots boots na na na na na
shake your bootie oh!
shake your bootie yeah!
I have an obsession with shoes at the moment not sure why, I've never really been into shoes just always had one pair that I wore to death ( my orange/green/yellow keds) and all of a sudden I need a bazillion shoes well obviously I don't need them but I want them badly, BADLY. Sorry I'm going a bit shoe crazy (cornyness intended). I'm even into ruining my feet for the sake of shoes, I've gotten into the habbit of wearing size 7 or 8 shoes when im a size 9 (aaaah bigfoot) resulting in agony, foot shape disfiguration and did I mention immense pain but they do look fabulous well maybe not so fabulous because I'm hobbling. So I thought I'd share some shoes that I love with you beacuse today is about chocolate, I mean sharing love, on EASTER. And sorry for the behind views on the shoes but you can still imagine the coolness that is hiding at the front and admire the heel detail...
photos via shopbop, net-a-porter
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